
A Natural Mood Booster to Light Up your Day

Patent Pending No. 17043732/17043737

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What is MoodElite®

MoodElite® is a specially fomulated botanical blend with three Traditional Chinese Medicine: Hypericum perforatum L. aerial parts, Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr.& Maxim.) Maxim. roots and Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. roots.

Why Choose MoodElite®

2 Human Clinical Trials

3 Pre-Clinical Studies

2 Safety Studies

10 Structure/function claims

St. John’s Wort with Adaptogenic Herbs​ for the Mood Boost

Health Benefits

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Promotes a positive mood

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Balances Mental Stress

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Improves Enthusiasm for Life and Work

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Promotes restful sleep


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500 mg/day 

Applicable to

People who suffered from work or life stress
People seeking better sleep

Are you interested in MoodElite®?

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