
An All-Natural Mood Health Solution


Patent No. US 20220160807 A1

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What is EasyMind™

EasyMind™ is a specially fomulated botanical blend with four Traditional Chinese Medicine: Paeonia lactiflora Pall. roots, Albizia julibrissin Durazz. flowers, Gardenia augusta Merr. fruits, and Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. roots.

Why Choose EasyMind™

1 Human Clinical Trials
4 Pre-Clinical Studies
2 Safety Studies
2 Mechanism of Action Study
4 Patents
2 Publications
Clinically Proven Solution for Stress & Sleep

Health Benefits

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Supports a healthy stress response

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Stays calm, relaxed & positive

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Helps manage sleep quality

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Relaxed mood and increased focus and concentration


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670-1340 mg/day 

Applicable to

Adults under stress from work and life

Peri & post-menopausal women

Are you interested in EasyMind™?

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